Eden Prime: Surface – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore the surface area of Eden Prime in Mass Effect.

Eden Prime: Surface Map

mass effect eden prime surface map
  1. Arrival
  2. Upgrade Kit
  3. Jenkins’ Death
  4. More Drones
  5. Upgrade Kit
  6. Even More Drones
  7. Medical Kit
  8. Ashley Under Attack
  9. Upgrade Kit and Crate
  10. Duck and Cover
  11. Dig Site
  12. Husk Ambush
  13. Crates
  14. Sealed Building
  15. Saren’s Betrayal Revealed
  16. Unidentified Ship
  17. Malfunctioning Object
  18. Shed
  19. Nihlus’ Corpse, Loot, and Powell
  20. Geth Troopers
  21. Major Geth Resistance

Eden Prime: Surface Overview

1 – Arrival

You’ve touched down at drop point two on Eden Prime with both Kaidan Alenko and Richard Jenkins on your ground team. Your primary goal is to reach the dig site to the north and recover the Prothean beacon, so let’s get moving.

2 – Upgrade Kit

Sift through this upgrade kit to score your first upgrade loot of the game. This will unlock the Upgrades codex entry and grant you a small amount of experience points.

3 – Jenkins’ Death

Just as you round this corner, Jenkins moves out ahead of you and leaves himself exposed to a barrage of laser fire from three Geth Recon Drones. Hit them with return fire until the three drones are destroyed, then check Jenkins’ corpse to trigger a short conversation with Alenko. This will give you the opportunity for some more Paragon or Renegade points and will unlock the Kinetic Barriers (“Shields”) codex entry.

4 – More Drones

As you pass through this small gap in the rocky terrain, you’ll come under fire by another trio of Geth Recon Drones. Keep in mind that if you’re playing at a higher difficulty setting that these enemies may be of a more powerful variant.

Afterwards, Nihlus will come across your radio and give you a status update. He’s discovering a lot of bodies, but instructs you to continue to the dig site.

5 – Upgrade Kit

Lying next to this charred corpse is another upgrade kit for you to search.

6 – Even More Drones

Expect to come under fire by yet another group of Geth Recon Drones in this area.

7 – Medical Kit

Amid the scattered human bodies, you’ll find a medical kit containing another does of Medi-Gel.

8 – Ashley Under Attack

As you approach this clearing, you’ll witness the same white armor-clad human woman you caught a glimpse of on the earlier transmission running from two Geth Recon Drones. She’ll take them down, but then two Geth Troopers will open fire on her. Assist her in the battle, then talk with her to learn that she’s “Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams of the 212″ and that she’s been fighting for her life ever since the earlier distress call.

When you learn that the rest of her squad was wiped out, you’ll have another opportunity to gain some Paragon or Renegade points. After that, Ashley will join your team and you’ll have the chance to quiz her about the Geth, the Prothean beacon, the research scientists, and Nihlus with the Investigation dialogue option. This will unlock the Geth codex entry. Don’t forget to level Ashley up before proceeding any further.

9 – Upgrade Kit and Crate

Along with some random upgrades, you can grab yourself some Scorpion I light human armor in the crate. This is one of only several static item drops in the game.

10 – Duck and Cover

The four Geth Troopers guarding the dig site will begin firing at your squad once you reach this vicinity, so you’ll want to duck behind the rocky terrain for cover while you return fire.

11 – Dig Site

Once the area is clear, you’ll discover that the Prothean beacon has been moved from the dig site. Nihlus decides to check out a small spaceport further to the north, so your next objective is to pass through the research camp to the north and meet him there. Loot the items out of the nearby crate before leaving, though. Doing so will unlock the Body Armor codex entry (even though there might not be any armor inside…).

12 – Husk Ambush

Kaidan’s right – this is a good place for an ambush. Remember that human body that the Geth impaled upon a mechanical spike earlier? Well, given time, such victims become “husks” – humans that have had all water and trace minerals extracted and replaced with re-animating cybernetics. As you move closer to the camp, three of them will charge you and attempt to get close enough to blast you with some kind of high-damage electrical burst. Open fire while walking backwards and you should take them down before any of them can get within range. This encounter will unlock the Husks codex entry.

13 – Crates

The two crates in the western building can be ransacked for some more items.

14 – Sealed Building

To gain entrance to this building, you or one of your squad members will have to have at least a point or two in the Decryption talent. If you meet that requirement, you can attempt to override the door by performing a fast-paced X-Y-B-A mini-game. Success awards you with experience points and unseals the door, while failure ruins the one chance you had to popping the door open. In the future, the mini-game can be skipped entirely if you have sufficient amounts of Omni-gel.

Once inside, you’ll meet Dr. Warren and Dr. Manuel. These two were part of the the excavation team and were able to lock themselves inside the building to escape the Geth attack. Manuel seems a bit crazy, but what he says actually has quite a bit of truth to it. Use the Investigation dialogue choice to find out more about the attack, Nihlus, the beacon, and her assistant. The final option will give you the opportunity to punch Manuel and knock him out, in which case you’ll score some Renegade points. Otherwise, you’ll gain Paragon points.

15 – Saren’s Betrayal Revealed

Passing alongside the camp, you’ll be shown a cutscene depicting Nihlus moving into the spaceport. He’ll recognize another turian (another Spectre, in fact) named Saren patrolling the area. As Nihlus drops his guard and tries to figure out why the Citadel Council sent another Spectre to investigate, Saren will fire a shot into Nihlus’ back.

Enter antagonist.

16 – Unidentified Ship

A little farther up, you’ll spy the strange ship you saw earlier during the transmission on the Normandy leaving Eden Prime. As you move up to get a better look at it, a few Geth Troopers and a handful of Husks will launch an assault from the area at the base of the hill before you.

17 – Malfunctioning Object

Search this container to earn some more equipment.

18 – Shed

Check the crate outside this shed for a grenade and some Medi-Gel, then decrypt the door to enter a conversation with someone named Cole and a couple of farmers. They tell you that they sought refuge inside the shed after seeing the ship approaching and have waited out the battle inside. Use the Investigation dialogue choice to learn what you can about the attack, the Prothean beacon, the ship, and some sort of shrieking signal that it was emitting.

When you attempt to leave the farmers be, the one named Blake pipes up and suggests that they should “give you the stuff.” If you inquire further (in either Paragon or Renegade fashion), you’ll learn that they were involved in a small smuggling ring at the docks and that Cole took a Stinger II pistol from one of the containers. He hands it over fairly easily, but pressing him further with Charm or Intimidate will get you a weapon upgrade as well. You’ll also learn that their contact at the docks is named Powell.

Before rushing off to meet Powell, pay a visit inside the shed and decrypt the storage locker for some more goodies.

19 – Nihlus’ Corpse, Loot, and Powell

There’s a medical kit near Nihlus’ body, as well as an upgrade kit behind the fire to the east that you should probably loot before investigating the area. Once you’ve inspected Nihlus’ body a little closer, the smugglers’ contact, Powell, comes out from behind the crates to the east. He’ll tell you that a turian referred to as Saren killed Nihlus when his guard was down, just as you were shown in the cutscene earlier. He then tells you that Saren took the Prothean beacon with him on the cargo train to the north. After that, you should utilize the Investigation dialogue choice and begin pummeling him with either Paragon or Renegade responses.

If you were able to get Powell’s name from Cole at area #18, then you can mention the fact that you know he’s a smuggler. With a few correct dialogue options, you can get some grenades from him and either Charm or Intimidate him to reveal that he also has an item that utilizes “experimental technology.” This just ends up being a standard grenade upgrade, though it’s probably your first at this point in the game.

20 – Geth Troopers

Two Geth Troopers guard the way to the platform that descends down to the train station.

21 – Major Geth Resistance

This long platform is heavily guarded by Geth Troopers and a powerful Geth Destroyer. My advice would be to bounce between the cover on either side of the platform as you pick off the Geth from a distance (you can hit them from long distances even if your crosshair doesn’t “target” them). There’s a medical kit to be looted about halfway down the platform and a set of Train Controls to be activated at the far end. When all resistance has been wiped out, use the controls to ride the cargo train to Eden Prime: Spaceport.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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