Nonuel – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore Nonuel, a planet found in the Plutus system of the Hades Gamma cluster in Mass Effect.

Nonuel Map

mass effect nonuel map
  1. Arrival
  2. Crashed Probe
  3. Thresher Maw and Titanium Deposit
  4. Samarium Deposit
  5. Warlord’s Outpost
  6. Mercenary Camp

Nonuel Overview

Nonuel is located in the Plutus system of the Hades Gamma cluster. If you’ve racked up a large number of Renegade points, then the “UNC: The Negotation” assignment should become available to you here.

1 – Arrival

The high level of heat on this planet makes it a Level 1 Hazard, so be quick about any excursions you make outside the Mako.

2 – Crashed Probe

Bypass the security on this crashed space probe to add some more upgrades to your inventory.

3 – Thresher Maw and Titanium Deposit

Just on the edge of the operational area here you’ll encounter a Thresher Maw guarding a Titanium deposit. Send the worm back to where it came from with the Mako’s cannon, then survey the deposit to get one step closer to finishing the “Light Metals” section of the “UNC: Valuable Minerals” assignment.

4 – Samarium Deposit

Survey this Samarium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the “Rare Earths” section of the “UNC: Valuable Minerals” assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

5 – Warlord’s Outpost

If you’ve filled at least 75% of your Renegade bar, then Admiral Hackett should have given you the “UNC: The Negotiation” assignment at some point while you were roaming the galaxy. This “Warlord’s Outpost” is home to Darius, the guy you’re to negotiate a treaty with for mining rights on an asteroid rich in Element Zero.

Once inside, Darius will strike up a conversation with you from the second floor balcony. He’s an arrogant bastard and claims that he feels insulted that the Alliance sent a military grunt to do the negotiating. Unfortunately, if you want to get a treaty in place, you’re going to have to ignore his insults and treat him with respect. In fact, he even requests that you refer to him as “Lord Darius”.

If you’re fine with appeasing him, then you’ll have to apologize for the Alliance’s illegal extraction of Element Zero and agree to pay Darius a fee for the mining rights while also providing him with refining equipment to produce red sand. As long as you “swallow your military bravado and say please”, Darius will give you an OSD to formalize the treaty.

On the other hand, you don’t have to take any of Darius’ insults. After telling you that the Alliance set him up here with weapons and money to keep the batarians out of the area, you can simply tell him “I’ve had enough” followed by “diplomacy comes from the barrel of a gun.” Following those responses, you’ll be forced to battle “Lord Darius” and several “Darius Retainers”. That’s really what you wanted anyway, right?

When you’ve promised the world or eliminated the whole crew, take a moment to search the outpost for two upgrade kits and a malfunctioning object. If you took a combative approach, then you can also get into the second floor room to loot a weapon locker, a secure weapon locker, a hardened storage locker, and an aid station. You’ll also need to use the terminal inside that room to reopen the exit door.

6 – Mercenary Camp

This small mercenary camp appears to have been the scene of a murder or even a double suicide. A couple of mercenary bodies are strewn about, one of which you can search for a League of One medallion (as part of the “UNC: Locate Signs of Battle” assignment). You can also take the contents of the crate the mercenaries died next to, which nets you a handwritten copy of Natriarch Dilinaga’s treatises (part of the “UNC: Asari Writings” assignment). Finally, there’s an upgrade kit inside the small building that you can ransack.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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