Normandy [2nd Visit] – Mass Effect

This guide will walk you through your second visit of SSV Normandy in Mass Effect.

Normandy [2nd Visit] Map

mass effect normandy 2nd visit map
  1. Arrival
  2. Aid Station
  3. Ashley/Kaidan
  4. Doctor Chakwas and Shepard’s Locker
  5. Ashley/Kaidan
  6. Alliance Requisition Officer
  7. M35 Mako
  8. Squad Lockers
  9. Field Integrity Monitor
  10. FTL Comm Link
  11. NAVMANUAL 1.4.1
  12. Joker

Normandy [2nd Visit] Overview

1 – Arrival

After falling unconscious at the end of the Eden Prime: Spaceport level, you’ll find yourself lying on one of the tables inside Doctor Chakwas’ medical facility aboard the Normandy. At this point, you’re presented with a large number of dialogue choices that can be used to try and decipher what the Prothean beacon’s message was and to begin kindling a romance with either Ashley (if you’re male) or Kaidan (if you’re female). Captain Anderson will enter the room after awhile and ask to speak with you privately. He’ll confess to you that things look pretty bad – Nihlus is dead, Jenkins is dead, the beacon was destroyed, the Geth are invading, and there’s a rogue Spectre on the loose. Address the conversation in either Paragon or Renegade fashion and Anderson will go to work setting up an audience with the Citadel Council in an attempt to get Saren’s Spectre status revoked.

At the conclusion of the conversation, you’ll find that you’ve unlocked the Citadel and Citadel Station: Statistics codex entries. You’re supposed to head up to the bridge and tell Joker to dock the ship at Citadel Station, but take a moment to explore the ship a little more first.

2 – Aid Station

Every time you return to the Normandy, you should make a quick stop at this Aid Station to maximize your Medi-Gel reserves. The first time you use the device, you’ll unlock the Medi-Gel codex entry.

3 – Ashley/Kaidan

If you’re playing a male Shepard, then Ashley will be standing next to the table in the mess hall. If you’re playing a female Shepard, then it will be Kaidan. Either way, you should speak to them for a chance to earn a couple Paragon or Renegade points and to begin forming the foundation for a potential relationship (if you’re looking for an in-game romance, that is).

4 – Doctor Chakwas and Shepard’s Locker

Have a chat with Doctor Chakwas and use the Investigate dialogue option to learn what you can about her, Commander Anderson, and Kaidan. She’ll tell you that the lieutenant is using an obsolete and somewhat dangerous L2 biotic implant that gives him migraines, which will unlock the Biotics and Biotics: Biotic Amps codex entries.

You’ll also want to check your locker (and every time you visit the Normandy), as it typically contains a handful of random items that you can add to your arsenal. The first time you do so, you’ll unlock the Systems Alliance: N7 codex entry.

5 – Ashley/Kaidan

If you’re playing a male Shepard, then Kaidan will be standing in this vicinity. If you’re playing a female Shepard, then it will be Ashley. Once again, you can earn a couple of extra Paragon or Renegade points if you choose the proper dialogue options.

6 – Alliance Requisition Officer

You’ll be spending a lot of time buying and selling items to the Normandy’s requisition officer throughout the game. He sells a little bit of everything – armor, weapons, and upgrades – but he’ll only carry those items that he possesses a license for. There is a license in the game for every manufacturer (Armax Arsenal, Devlon Industries, Elkoss Combine, etc.), but you’ll need to find the merchants that sell them before you can gain access to the company’s goods from the requisition officer. Check our equipment database for a full list of all the equipment licenses.

Once you’ve started acquiring licenses, check back here frequently to see if any of the rarer items have made their way into the officer’s stock. He typically rotates goods whenever you land on a planet with a major port, so you should see a lot of new items at regular intervals during the game. To ensure you get the items you want, you can even save your game before speaking to the officer after his goods have been restocked. Every time you load and enter the buy/sell menu, his new items will be randomly selected again.

It’s also worth mentioning that the officer will carry both tiers of “Spectre – Master Gear” once you’ve nabbed the game’s Rich achievement and are of sufficient level. You’ll also unlock the Omni-tool codex entry after your first conversation with the officer.

7 – M35 Mako

Make an inspection of the Normandy’s all-terrain vehicle to unlock the Vehicles: M35 Mako codex entry.

8 – Squad Lockers

If you ever need to swap out your squad members’ equipment between missions, you can just pay a visit to their locker. Since you only have two squad members at the moment, only Kaidan and Ashley’s lockers will be available.

9 – Field Integrity Monitor

Take a closer look at this monitor to unlock the Mass Effect Fields codex entry.

Inspecting the Normandy’s communication link will unlock the Communications codex entry.

11 – NAVMANUAL 1.4.1

Check out this display to unlock the Systems Alliance: Military Jargon codex entry.

12 – Joker

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the Normandy and unlocked all of the codex entries available during this visit, speak to Joker and you’ll be shown a cutscene of the Normandy being brought into dock at the Citadel. You’ll also get a glimpse of The Ascension, the massive ship Kaidan refers to as the “flagship of the Citadel fleet.”

When you’ve finished docking at 422, you’ll automatically be brought to Ambassador Udina’s office on the Citadel: Presidium map.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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