Normandy [4th Visit] – Mass Effect

This guide will walk you through your fourth visit of SSV Normandy in Mass Effect.

Normandy [4th Visit] Map

mass effect normandy 4th visit map
  1. Arrival
  2. Navigator Pressly
  3. Point Defense Systems
  4. Galaxy Map
  5. Heat Load Monitor #1
  6. Heat Load Monitor #2
  7. Gunnery Station
  8. Joker
  9. Kaidan
  10. Shepard’s Locker
  11. Aid Station
  12. Liara
  13. Alliance Requisition Officer
  14. Garrus
  15. Ashley
  16. Wrex
  17. Core Charge Status
  18. Tali

Normandy [4th Visit] Overview

1 – Arrival

Now that Liara T’Soni has joined your squad, your crew decides to meet within the communications room to determine what to do next. Before the meeting takes place, Joker lays a sarcastic joke on you about the Normandy almost melting from the explosion on Therum. Liara doesn’t seem to appreciate his wit, giving you an opportunity to begin setting the stage for a potential relationship with the Asari scientist. Both male and female Commander Shepards can pursue a romance with Liara due to the fact that Asari are able to mate with any gender and any species. If you’re not interested in Ashley (as a male) or Kaidan (as a female), then Liara is your only other option.

Romance aside, Liara patches in a few holes about the Prothean civilization and what she determines to be “cycles” of other civilizations that dominated the galaxy before them. Through her fifty years of research, she has concluded that every civilization that has ever lived was “suddenly and violently” cast down at their peak of supremacy. After revealing your theory about the Reapers to her, Liara becomes a bit light-headed from all the information she’s trying to process and goes to pay a visit to Dr. Chakwas while the rest of your squad departs to their stations.

Once you’re alone, Joker comes across the intercom to let you know that he’s filed the necessary mission reports and that he’s ready to patch the Council in so that you can report your progress directly. Let him do so, then listen as the Council chastises you for bringing Liara on board as a full crew member and for destroying a major Prothean ruin. Should you decide that you don’t want to listen to them any longer, you can always choose the “Disconnect” dialogue option. It’s funny, if nothing else.

When you’re able to move around the ship again, you’ll discover that the conversation you had with Liara about the Protheans has unlocked the Protheans: Cipher codex entry.

2 – Navigator Pressly

Pressly isn’t too pleased that you’ve brought non-humans on the Normandy. He’s not necessarily “racist”; it’s just that he’d like to see humanity handling their own problems. This offers you a chance to earn a couple of Paragon points by feeding him the “They’re on our side” line or a couple of Renegade points by feeding him the “You doubt my decisions?” line. In any case, you can unlock the Human Diplomatic Relations codex entry during this conversation.

3 – Point Defense Systems

Check out this area of the terminal to unlock the Weapons: GARDIAN codex entry.

4 – Galaxy Map

Now that you’re finished with one of the three initial plot-critical planets, there are a handful of new (optional) assignments awaiting you back at Citadel Station. You don’t have to go there now if you really don’t want to, but for the purposes of this walkthrough and for the sake of making sure I don’t miss anything, that’s where I’m headed next. So… once you’ve made the rounds and talked with all of your squad members, let’s make a return to Citadel.

5 – Heat Load Monitor #1

A closer inspection of this first heat load monitor will unlock the Space Combat: Combat Endurance codex entry.

6 – Heat Load Monitor #2

A closer inspection of the second heat load monitor will unlock the Starships: Heat Management codex entry.

7 – Gunnery Station

Take some time to look over this gunnery station to unlock the Space Combat codex entry.

8 – Joker

Aside from a request for a gold medal versus a silver one for “pulling your boots out of the fire”, Joker doesn’t have anything more to add to your previous conversations.

9 – Kaidan

During this visit to the Normandy, Kaidan will talk with you about the Council’s reluctance to stop Saren, his Biotic training, how he was exposed to element zero in the womb, and more. This will unlock the Biotics: Training codex entry.

If you’re female, then you can also further your relationship with Kaidan by selecting the friendlier dialogue choices when he inquires about whether or not you get this personal with everyone.

10 – Shepard’s Locker

Your locker has been restocked, so loot away.

11 – Aid Station

Don’t forget to replenish your stock of Medi-gel.

12 – Liara

For future reference, this is where Liara will be stationed when onboard the Normandy. The Asari scientist has a lot to say to you, so make sure you pay her a visit during this first trip back to the Normandy after Therum. In addition to sharing information about why she spends so much time on remote digs and why her mother would have allied herself with Saren, Liara admits that she finds you fascinating. If you quiz her about Asari culture, she’ll tell you that the race is mono-gendered and can mate with any species and any gender. This conversation is one of the initial steps required to pursue a romance with Liara, regardless of whether or not you’re male or female.

When the two of you have nothing more to talk about, you’ll discover that you’ve unlocked three new codex entries: Asari: CultureAsari: Government, and Protheans: Beacon.

13 – Alliance Requisition Officer

Pay a visit to the Alliance Requisition Officer to sell off any extra equipment you found on Therum. Unless you’re holding out for the Rich achievement, you should spend whatever credits you have stashed away to ensure that your party is well-equipped for your next mission.

14 – Garrus

You can chat with your Turian squadmate to learn more about why he chose to be a C-Sec officer and his father’s stubborn nature. This conversation will unlock the Turians: Culture and Turians: Military Doctrine codex entries.

15 – Ashley

Ashley admits that she’s not comfortable allowing Garrus and Wrex to have full access to the Normandy, especially since it’s the most advanced ship in the Alliance fleet. Quell her skepticism, then ask her about her service record and military family to get a better idea who she is.

If you’re male, then you can also further your relationaship with Ashley by selecting the friendlier dialogue choices during this conversation. In other words, don’t be rude if you’re looking for an intergalactic romance.

16 – Wrex

Speak with Wrex during this visit to the Normandy to learn that he was actually hired by Saren some time ago. Apparently a bunch of mercenaries were hired by Saren to take down a massive cargo freighter out near the edges of the Terminus Systems, though Wrex doesn’t know why. He only recalls that every other mercenary on the mission turned up dead shortly after the job was finished.

17 – Core Charge Status

Have a closer look at this terminal to unlock the FTL Drive: Drive Charge codex entry.

18 – Tali

The only thing you’ll learn during this conversation with Tali is that the Normandy runs so smooth with such a small crew that it’s making her homesick. She’ll tell you that she intends to return home to her people, but only after Saren has been stopped.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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