Normandy [5th Visit] – Mass Effect

This guide will walk you through your fifth visit of SSV Normandy in Mass Effect.

Normandy [5th Visit] Map

mass effect normandy 5th visit
  1. Arrival
  2. Galaxy Map
  3. Kaidan
  4. Shepard’s Locker
  5. Aid Station
  6. Liara
  7. Alliance Requisition Officer
  8. Garrus
  9. Ashley
  10. Wrex
  11. Tali

Normandy [5th Visit] Overview

1 – Arrival

Now that the Thorian has been defeated and you’ve obtained the Cipher, you call another meeting with your squad in the Normandy’s comm room. Liara seems to think that you’re feeling some ill effects from the Cipher and offers to help you by joining her consciousness to yours. By doing so, she’s able to see the vision herself and can make a little more sense of it.

Liara believes that the vision from Eden Prime was incomplete, thought it does confirm that the Protheans were destroyed by a race of sentient machines. She also thinks that it’s possible that Saren might have found another beacon and has the information that is missing from your vision. At this point, Liara becomes exhausted and excuses herself to go lie down and rest.

When your squad has been dismissed, Joker comes over the comm to let you know that he’s sent off the Feros report and is now able to patch you straight through to the Council. This time, you have to listen to them question your decision to destroy the Thorian and your ability to make sacrifices when needed. Based on your responses to their comments, you’ll either gain a couple of Paragon or Renegade points. In any event, it’s time to make another round through the Normandy to chat with all your squad members.

After Joker lets you know that a transmission is coming in from the Citadel Council, you should return here to the comm room to hear them out. The Turian representative isn’t present, but the Asari and Salarian alert you to a developing situation on the planet Virmire. Apparently the Council has infiltration regiments set up in the Traverse and one of them was gathering intel on Saren. Something has apparently gone awry, though, because they received a message of static from the task unit on a mission-critical channel.

Therefore, the Council thinks it’s in your best interest to investigate what happened to this task group as it might help you in your mission against Saren. When the conversation concludes, a new “Virmire” mission will be added to your journal and two new codex entries will be unlocked – Planets: Virmire and Salarians: Special Tasks Group. You will also receive a couple of Paragon or Renegade points, depending on how you responded during the conversation.

2 – Galaxy Map

When you’re done speaking to all of your squad members and go to open the Galaxy Map, Joker will alert you that a “top priority” transmission is coming in from the Citadel Council. You’re going to have to go back into the comm room at area #1 and address it before you can select a destination on the Galaxy Map.

After listening to what the Council had to say, you’ll need to pick your next destination. If you’ve recently reached level 20 and have Hackett’s “UNC: Rogue VI” assignment, then I’d recommend landing on Luna in the Sol system of the Local cluster. That way, you can grab your specialization class before continuing with anymore plot-critical planets. This is a good time to do other pending side assignments too, if you’d like to build your characters up a bit and grab some extra loot before moving on with the storyline.

If, on the other hand, you’d just like to charge back into your primary missison, then you should set your course for Noveria. When you reach Noveria, the Normandy will touch down on the Noveria: Port Hanshan Docking Bay map.

3 – Kaidan

Having finished two plot-critical planets, Kaidan has quite a bit more to say to you. He tells you about the biotic training out on Jump Zero, how the Alliance made mistakes, and his dislike for a Commander Vyrnnus that liked to “cut corners” and push his students too hard. This conversation will unlock the Biotics: Life as a Biotic codex entry.

If you’re playing a female Shepard and have been kind to Kaidan up to this point, then he will also subtly inquire about whether or not you might have some interest in him or Liara. If you want to pursue a romance with him, then you should always take the top (Paragon) dialogue choice. This will keep him on the hook until your next visit to the Normandy.

4 – Shepard’s Locker

Check your locker for another set of equipment that’s shown up since your last visit.

5 – Aid Station

Don’t forget to replenish your stock of Medi-gel.

6 – Liara

During this visit to the Normandy, Liara will talk a bit about the Asari (unlocking the Asari: Religion codex entry), humanity, and how she believes your species’ short lifespan is an advantage, but her primary focus in this conversation is her interest in you – personally.

Whether you’re male or female, Liara sees something compelling about you and hints around the possibility of a relationship. She doesn’t want to step on any toes, though, so she’ll also ask if you’re involved with Ashley or Kaidan at the moment. Confirming that you’re interested in either of those two doesn’t cut off ties with Liara, though, as long as you acknowledge that you’re interested in her as well. This conversation will have to continue another time, though.

7 – Alliance Requisition Officer

Take a moment to sell off any excess items you acquired on Feros and to browse the officer’s latest shipment of goods.

8 – Garrus

Speak with Garrus during this visit to hear a story about a Dr. Saleon who he was investigating some time ago for trading organs on the black market. According to Garrus, the guy was a real monster and was actually cloning organs inside living “test tube” employees. Unfortunately, the doctor was able to escape before being caught, but Garrus still has the transponder frequency for his ship. If you offer to check into it for him, you’ll receive the “Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon” assignment. This will bring you to the MSV Fedele in the Herschel system of the Kepler Verge cluster.

It’s also worth noting that you’ll unlock the Turians: Biology codex entry during this conversation.

9 – Ashley

You’ll approach Ashley just as she’s finishing watching some vid-mail from one of her sisters. This leads to a discussion about her mother, father, and three sisters. After a long conversation about Ashley’s personal life (her sister’s assault, her fascination with poetry, and her belief in God), you’ll unlock the Systems Alliance: Military Doctrine codex entry.

If you’re playing a male Shepard and have been kind to Ashley up to this point, then she will also subtly inquire about whether or not you might have some interest in her or Liara. If you want to pursue a romance with her, then you should always take the top (Paragon) dialogue choice. This will keep her on the hook until your next visit to the Normandy.

10 – Wrex

Strike up a conversation with Wrex during this visit to the Normandy and he’ll reveal the reasons why he left his home to become a mercenary. Basically, he and his father Jarrod didn’t see eye-to-eye, so Jarrod arranged a “Crush” with the tribes so that they could talk on sacred Krogan ground where violence is forbidden. Instead, Jarrod launched an ambush against Wrex and he was forced to flee – but not before sinking his dagger deep into his father’s chest. Having listened to Wrex’s story, you’ll find that you’ve unlocked the Krogan: Culture codex entry.

Wrex still has unfinished business with his family, though. He had made an oath to his father’s father to recover a suit of armor that has been passed through their family for five generations. The armor is currently in the hands of Tonn Actus, a Turian who collects relics from the Krogan war and sells them for vast sums of money. Offer to help him find the armor and you’ll receive the “Wrex: Family Armor” assignment. This will take you to the planet of Tuntau in the Phoenix system of the Argus Rho cluster.

11 – Tali

Tali is in better spirits during this visit, though she admits that she’s been thinking a lot about her Pilgrimage lately. She tells you about her father and how he’s a senior member of the Quarian Admiralty Board, which puts a lot of pressure on her to bring back something “great” back to the flotilla at the end of her Pilgrimage. She suggests that “something that would help us better understand the Geth” would be the most desirable information she could bring back, as it would get her people one step closer to returning to their homeworld.

When you have a moment to help Tali get what she needs, you’ll want to visit the planets of RayingriAntibaarCasbin, and Solcrum as part of the “UNC: Geth Incursions” assignment. There’s no real rush to this, so don’t feel like you need to travel to those planets next. Just promise her that you’ll do what you can and then read through the Quarians: Law and Defense and Quarians: Religion codex entries you just unlocked.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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