Normandy [7th Visit] – Mass Effect

This guide will walk you through your seventh visit of SSV Normandy in Mass Effect.

Normandy [7th Visit] Map

mass effect normandy 7th visit map
  1. Arrival
  2. Galaxy Map
  3. Kaidan
  4. Aid Station
  5. Liara
  6. Alliance Requisition Officer
  7. Garrus
  8. Ashley
  9. Wrex
  10. Salarian Infiltration Team
  11. Tali

Normandy [7th Visit] Overview

1 – Arrival

And so your squad meets again in the Normandy’s comm room, only this time you’re one member short. Either Ashley or Kaidan will make a comment that they can’t believe the other had to be left behind, to which you can respond with either a calm or threatening statement. Either way, Liara will interrupt and ask that you join minds with her again to try and piece together the vision you received from the Prothean beacon on Virmire. “Relax and embrace eternity!”

When the two of you are finished, Liara recognizes the vision as a distress call that was sent out across the Prothean empire. It was a warning about the Reapers and it points to the location of the Conduit – a planet in the Terminus Systems called Ilos. Liara claims that using the Mu Relay is the only way to get to Ilos, which explain why Matriarch Benezia was looking for its location back on Noveria. However, Alliance ships and Spectres are not welcome in the Terminus Systems, so your squad recommends that you alert the Council first.

There’s a comm buoy nearby, so Joker links you up with the Council right away. They’re pleased that the Virmire mission was a success, but don’t have any reason to believe that Sovereign is a Reaper. They simply think Saren is using false information to throw you off. Looks like you’re on your own, again.

After briefing the Council, you’ll receive whatever Paragon or Renegade points you gained from the comm room dialogue and will have unlocked the Region: Terminus Systems codex entry.

2 – Galaxy Map

Make sure you’ve made your usual rounds speaking with your squad members before activating the Galaxy Map, as doing so will immediately bring you back to the Citadel for a meeting with the Council. It seems that they’re massing a joint-species fleet to deal with Saren and the Geth… or at least that’s what Ambassador Udina wants you to think.

3 – Kaidan

Speaking with Kaidan during your seventh visit to the Normandy is only possible if you saved him back on Virmire. If that’s the case, then Alenko will talk a bit about Ashley’s death, how you dealt with the losses on Elysium, the Reapers, and more. Should you be pursuing a romance with him, then he’ll mention that he’d very much like to pursue a relationship with you after Saren has been dealt with.

4 – Aid Station

Might as well replenish your stock of Medi-gel while you’re here.

5 – Liara

Your Asari companion is actually starting to feel sorry for Saren now that she’s realized that he’s trapped in his own mind by Sovereign. She’ll also inquire about the nightmares you’ve been having due to the Prothean visions and will even attempt to comfort you a bit if you’ve been pursuing a romance with her.

6 – Alliance Requisition Officer

As usual, check with the Alliance Requisition Officer to see if he has any new items available. If you’ve done most of the side quests on the uncharted planets up to this point, then you will most likely have reached level 50 and can now purchase the “X” tier of Spectre Master gear.

7 – Garrus

Garrus has very little to add during this visit. He simply thanks you for everything you’ve done for him during the game.

8 – Ashley

Speaking with Ashley during your seventh visit to the Normandy is only possible if you saved her back on Virmire. If that’s the case, then Williams will talk a bit about Kaidan’s death, how you dealt with the losses on Elysium, the Reapers, and more. Should you be pursuing a romance with him, then he’ll mention that he’d very much like to pursue a relationship with you after Saren has been dealt with.

9 – Wrex

Wrex is only available on the Normandy if you were able to successfully convince him that destroying Saren’s cure for the genophage was necessary. If he’s still alive, he tells you that he respects the choice you made on Virmire and just asks that you make Saren pay for yet another crime.

10 – Salarian Infiltration Team

Captain Kirrahe, Commander Rentola, and four other Salarians were able to make it off Virmire alive even if you didn’t make it to the second AA gun and/or didn’t help soften up the Geth defenses for their teams. I don’t know how this is possible, but there’s no denying that they’re here. Kirrahe will offer some kind words about whichever squad member you sacrificed, while Rentola may have a few new items for you to purchase. Keep in mind that his goods are only available if you were successful in assisting Kirrahe’s teams back on Virmire.

11 – Tali

Unfortunately, Tali doesn’t have anything new to say since your last visit to the Normandy.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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