Noveria: Docking Bay – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore the Port Hanshan docking bay area of Noveria in Mass Effect.

Noveria: Docking Bay Map

mass effect noveria docking bay map
  1. Arrival
  2. Welcoming Committee
  3. Gianna Parasini
  4. Exit to Plaza
  5. Opold’s Package
  6. Inamorda and Friends

Noveria: Docking Bay Overview

1 – Arrival

After a less-than-friendly greeting during your entry flight, you’ll come ashore on the docking bay of Noveria’s largest port.

2 – Welcoming Committee

Two female humans (Maeko Matsuo and Kaira Stirling) and a Turian from Elanus Risk Control Services will confront you at the customs entrance. They won’t believe that you’re a Spectre and will demand that you relinquish your weapons. This gives you the opportunity to gain some Paragon or Renegade points, depending on how you react to such demands. Either way, your credentials check out and you’re given authorization to carry firearms before you actually have to turn them over.

3 – Gianna Parasini

Gianna is assistant to Administrator Anoleis and will apologize for the “incident” that occured outside the customs office. Quiz her about the Geth to learn that Matriarch Benezia is currently within the Peak 15 research complex here on Noveria. She also mentions that you’re going to need clearance from Administrator Anoleis to pay a visit to Peak 15 yourself. This triggers the “Noveria: Matriarch Benezia” mission and prompts a quick dialogue session with Liara, if she’s in your squad.

If Liara isn’t in your squad, then one of your existing squad members will mention that you should consider bringing her along. If you’re going for any squad member achievements other than Asari Ally, I wouldn’t recommend doing this. By taking Liara along for one of the plot-critical planets, you will most likely not gain an achievement for whichever squad member you replaced (unless you do virtually every optional assignment in the game).

4 – Exit to Plaza

This elevator will take you to the Noveria: Port Hanshan map.

5 – Opold’s Package

If you agreed to smuggle the “special item” into Port Hanshan for Opold as part of the “Noveria: Smuggling” assignment, then you’ll find the package lying on the ground next to the ramp leading to the Normandy’s main hatch. Grab it and head back – nobody will suspect that you’re carrying something illegal.

6 – Inamorda and Friends

If you brought Opold’s package to him but then chose to keep it for yourself, then you’ll have a Krogan bounty hunter to answer to. The next time you pay a visit to this area of the docking bay, Inamorda and two Krogan thugs will immediately attack your squad. If nothing else, it’s some extra experience to be gained.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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