Rayingri – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore Rayingri, a planet found in the Gagarin system of the Armstrong Nebula cluster in Mass Effect.

Rayingri Map

mass effect rayingri map
  1. Arrival
  2. Titanium Deposit
  3. Crashed Probe
  4. Thorium Deposit
  5. Overrun Research Outpost
  6. Crashed Escape Pod
  7. Polonium Deposit
  8. Abandoned Camp
  9. Scavenger Corpses

Rayingri Overview

Rayingri is located in the Gagarin system of the Armstrong Nebula cluster. One of four Geth outposts that you need to eliminate as part of the “UNC: Geth Incursions” assignment can be found here.

1 – Arrival

Rayingri’s reasonably temperate climate and calm skies gives you a great view of the stars and massive moon above.

2 – Titanium Deposit

Survey this Titanium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the “Light Metals” section of the “UNC: Valuable Minerals” assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

3 – Crashed Probe

Bypass the security on this downed space probe and salvage anything of value.

4 – Thorium Deposit

Survey this Thorium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the “Rare Earths” section of the “UNC: Valuable Minerals” assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

5 – Overrun Research Outpost

As opposed to the other three Geth outposts here in the Armstrong Nebula cluster, this one actually resides underground. Expect resistance from lots of Husks and two Geth Destroyers as you make your way to the back of the station and then Geth Troopers and Geth Snipers on your way back out. You’ll also have to deal with Geth Shock Troopers, Geth Rocket Troopers, and Geth Snipers when you reach the surface again.

When you get a free moment, check all the station’s rooms to find eight containers: four crates, two malfunctioning objects, a storage locker, and a weapon locker.

6 – Crashed Escape Pod

Sift through the wreckage of this crashed escape pod to find one of the League of One medallions you need for the “UNC: Locate Signs of Battle” assignment.

7 – Polonium Deposit

Survey this Polonium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the “Rare Earths” section of the “UNC: Valuable Minerals” assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

8 – Abandoned Camp

This small camp may have been abandoned long ago, but someone left behind a crate containing a couple of weapons.

9 – Scavenger Corpses

A “mom and pop” salvage team lies dead here thanks to close range hits from Geth heavy particle beams.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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