Solcrum – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore Solcrum, a planet found in the Grissom system of the Armstrong Nebula cluster in Mass Effect.

Solcrum Map

mass effect solcrum map
  1. Arrival
  2. Asari Capsule
  3. Thorium Deposit
  4. Uranium Deposit
  5. Geth Base
  6. Magnesium Deposit
  7. Crashed Probe

Solcrum Overview

Solcrum is located in the Grissom system of the Armstrong Nebula cluster. You won’t be able to reach Notanban’s moon until you’ve elmininated all four Geth outposts in the Armstrong Nebula’s other systems.

1 – Arrival

This scorching moon poses a Level 1 Hazard risk to you and your crew, so be quick about any land outings.

2 – Asari Capsule

Check the capsule up on this hill for one of Matriarch Dilinaga’s writings needed for the “UNC: Asari Writings” assignment.

3 – Thorium Deposit

Survey this Thorium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the “Rare Earths” section of the “UNC: Valuable Minerals” assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

4 – Uranium Deposit

Survey this Uranium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the “Rare Earths” section of the “UNC: Valuable Minerals” assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

5 – Geth Base

This is it – the main Geth base you’ve been looking for here in the Armstrong Nebula. It’s heavily defended by two Geth Colossus and three tower-based Geth Rocket Troopers, so approach with caution. Once inside, you’ll be facing six more Geth: three Destroyers, two Stalkers, and one Juggernaut.

When all the Geth have been destroyed, you’ll discover that a Quarian song is being transmitted to the Geth worlds behind the Perseus Veil from this base. Move to the back room and loot the upgrade kit and secure crate there, then decrypt the Geth terminal to find several encrypted Geth files that reveal much about their evolution since the banishment of the Quarians.

When you return to the Normandy after finishing with Solcrum, you should speak to Tali. She wants a copy of the files to bring back to her people so that they can better understand the Geth. You can either give her a copy (one Paragon point) or deem it too risky (one Renegade point) to complete the “Tali and the Geth” assignment.

6 – Magnesium Deposit

Survey this Magnesium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the “Light Metals” section of the “UNC: Valuable Minerals” assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

7 – Crashed Probe

A couple more upgrades can be salvaged from the wreckage of this probe.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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