Therum: Surface – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore the surface area of Therum in Mass Effect.

Therum: Surface Map

mass effect therum surface map
  1. Arrival
  2. Geth Attack
  3. Refinery Outskirts
  4. Refinery Grounds
  5. Geth Armatures
  6. Geth Armatures
  7. Geth Colossus
  8. Geth Rocket Troopers
  9. Geth Rocket Troopers
  10. Exit to Ruins

Therum: Surface Overview

1 – Arrival

After selecting Therum from within the Knossos system of the Artemis Tau cluster, you’ll watch as Joker pilots the Normandy over the planet and provides you with a good spot to land the Mako all-terrain vehicle. Upon arrival, you’ll want to follow the path to the north, which will bring you to the refinery to the west.

2 – Geth Attack

As you make your way along the eastern edge of this lava lake, a ship will fly in low and drop a couple of Geth Armatures for you to deal with. Since this is the first time you’ve encountered them, the Geth: Armatures codex entry will become available.

Keep your distance from the Geth and take a few practice shots with the Mako’s machine gun and cannon. Both are effective weapons during any overland encounter, but rough land can throw your accuracy off as the Mako will always fire in a straight line toward whichever direction it is facing. As an example, if you’re traveling downhill, you shouldn’t expect the Mako to be able to fire on an enemy that’s off in the distance on level land. It takes a little getting used to, but trust me when I say that you’ll being spending more than enough time in the Mako to get the hang of it.

3 – Refinery Outskirts

When you approach the refinery, three Geth Heavy Turrets will begin firing on the Mako. Blast them for some extra experience points, then take a quick right and proceed north through the conveniently accessible back entrance. Expect to encounter a fourth Geth Heavy Turret on this path.

4 – Refinery Grounds

The main grounds of this Therum refinery are crawling with Geth. Expect heavy resistance from a few Geth Troopers, a Geth Shock Trooper, a Geth Rocket Trooper, a Geth Destroyer, and a Geth Juggernaut. When the small army of Geth has been dealt with, exit the Mako and begin exploring the facility.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what you’ll discover while exploring the refinery:

  • A locked crate near the wall to the west of where you entered from
  • Two unlocked crates behind the south wall
  • An upgrade kit in the northeast building
  • A Geth Rocket Trooper, an unlocked storage locker, and the east gate control button in the southeast building
  • A Shock Trooper, a locked weapon locker, and the northwest gate control button in the northwest building

Once you’ve opened the northwest gate, you can climb back in the Mako and continue down the path to the north.

5 – Geth Armatures

Two more Geth Armatures await you along this stretch of rocky pathway.

6 – Geth Armatures

Another pair of Geth Armatures will attempt to bring you down as you round this corner.

7 – Geth Colossus

Along with a very powerful Geth Colossus, you’ll have to deal with a Geth Trooper and four Geth Rocket Troopers as you approach this area. Their combined weaponry can be devastating even to the well-armored Mako, so try to pick them all off from a distance. The Colossus can hit you from a very long distance as well, so pick your position carefully.

8 – Geth Rocket Troopers

A couple of Geth Rocket Troopers will be waiting when you emerge from the tunnel. Feel free to run them over if blasting them from the ramp is proving futile.

9 – Geth Rocket Troopers

Two more Geth Rocket Troopers inhabit this tunnel.

10 – Exit to Ruins

Continue down this tunnel to reach the Therum: Ruins map.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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