Virmire: Base Main Level – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore the Base Main Level area of Virmire in Mass Effect.

Virmire: Base Main Level Map

mass effect virmire base main level map
  1. Arrival
  2. Loot
  3. Geth Resistance
  4. More Loot
  5. Supply Container
  6. Turret Controls
  7. Elevator to Krogan Breeding Grounds
  8. Elevator to Krogan Breeding Grounds
  9. Crate
  10. Pivotal Point
  11. Aid Station
  12. Exit to AA Tower

Virmire: Base Main Level Overview

1 – Arrival

Finished with the Virmire: Labs map, you’re now ready to tackle the AA guns positioned atop the base.

2 – Loot

This small landing is home to a crate, a secure crate, and a locked crate.

3 – Geth Resistance

As you press closer to the AA guns, a Krogan Warrior, Geth Stalker, and three Geth Rocket Drones will attempt to slow you down.

4 – More Loot

Check this secure crate and upgrade kit for some more valuables.

5 – Supply Container

Might as well grab the contents of this container before continuing.

6 – Turret Controls

Deactivating the first turret atop the base earns you some experience and Omni-gel, but it also triggers the approach of a Geth Rocket Trooper and Geth Shock Trooper from the path you just came from (area #3). Additionally, a Geth Shock Trooper and two Geth Troopers will suddenly appear inside the elevator at area #7. Slay them all.

7 – Elevator to Krogan Breeding Grounds

Grab the contents of the secure weapon locker around the corner, then take this elevator to the eastern side of the Virmire: Krogan Breeding Grounds map.

8 – Elevator to Krogan Breeding Grounds

You’ll be coming up this elevator from the west side of the Virmire: Krogan Breeding Grounds map in an attempt to save either Ashley or Kaidan from an attack by the Geth at the second AA gun.

9 – Crate

No decryption is necessary to ransack this crate.

10 – Pivotal Point

When you reach the top of this ramp, a Geth dropship will approach and set down at the bomb site. The squad member in charge of the nuclear device is worried that the Geth will kill them before it can be triggered, so they immediately activate the nuke.

Welcome to the game’s toughest decision. You can either continue to the west and go help the squad member pinned down with Kirrahe at the AA gun or you can backtrack and save the squad member in charge of the nuke. The squad member you lend your aid to will survive – the other will not. The only thing you can do is offer some words of encouragement (or be smug) to the person you’re leaving behind to earn a couple of Paragon or Renegade points.

11 – Aid Station

Make sure your Medi-gel stock is full. You may need it when you get to the roof.

12 – Exit to AA Tower

If you’re heading up to the roof to save the squad member with Kirrahe, then this is the elevator you’ll need to take. Once you’re on the roof, you’ll have to deal with three Geth Shock Troopers and two Geth Destroyers. After bringing them down, a cutscene will commence showing Saren himself dropping down onto the roof from his personal hover vehicle.

You’ll exchange a few words with Saren about his alliance with the Reapers, but unfortunately he won’t listen to reason. He firmly believes that surrendering to the Reapers will ultimately save organics, though it’s obvious that Sovereign’s indoctrination has gotten the best of him now. After indulging him with a bit more conversation about the Geth and the Conduit, you’ll be offered a chance to persuade him with Charm (“Join me.”) or Intimidate (“Sovereign will betray you.”). Neither of these persuasion methods are enough to counter Sovereign’s mind control, though, so a battle ensues.

This really isn’t a difficult fight. Simply avoid Saren’s attacks and repeatedly fire at him (or use biotic or tech abilities) until his health drops below half. At that point, a cutscene will show him jumping back off his hovering vehicle and picking you up by the neck. The alarm on the nuclear device back at the bomb site will sound, giving you a chance to punch the rogue Spectre in the face and avoid his wrath. With that, Saren escapes and your team boards the Normandy only to watch as the nuclear explosion back on Virmire kills the squad member you left behind.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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