Virmire: Krogan Breeding – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore the Krogan breeding ground area of Virmire in Mass Effect.

Virmire: Krogan Breeding Grounds Map

mass effect virmire krogan breeding grounds map
  1. Arrival
  2. Aid Station
  3. Geth Stalkers
  4. Rendezvous Point
  5. Krogan Resistance
  6. Exit to Main Level

Virmire: Krogan Breeding Grounds Overview

1 – Arrival

Having deactivated the first AA turret back on the Virmire: Base Main Level, you’ll now have to pass through these breeding grounds to rendezvous with the Normandy and set up the nuke.

2 – Aid Station

Restock your Medi-gel supply if you’re running low.

3 – Geth Stalkers

Just a pair of Geth Stalkers to deal with in this first trench.

4 – Rendezvous Point

Prior to entering this area, you’ll hear Captain Kirrahe proclaiming that the other AA gun has been loaded with explosives and is about to detonate. Shortly thereafter, Joker will set the Normandy down in this strategic stretch of water and either Ashley or Kaidan (depending on which one you chose earlier) will step out and begin preparing the nuclear device. Whichever of the two you sent with Kirrahe will then come across your radio to let you know that they’re pinned down at the AA gun and cannot make it to the rendezvous point. The area is too hot for the Normandy to pick them up, so you’re going to have to go get them on foot while your other squad member stays back to arm the nuke.

If you later choose to return here to the bomb site and leave your squadmate and Kirrahe’s men to fend for themselves at the AA gun, then you’ll be forced to do battle with a Geth Destroyer, a Geth Juggernaut, two Geth Snipers, and even a Geth Prime. After bringing them all down, a cutscene will commence showing Saren himself dropping down to the bomb site from his personal hover vehicle.

You’ll exchange a few words with Saren about his alliance with the Reapers, but unfortunately he won’t listen to reason. He firmly believes that surrendering to the Reapers will ultimately save organics, though it’s obvious that Sovereign’s indoctrination has gotten the best of him now. After indulging him with a bit more conversation about the Geth and the Conduit, you’ll be offered a chance to persuade him with Charm (“Join me.”) or Intimidate (“Sovereign will betray you.”). Neither of these persuasion methods are enough to counter Sovereign’s mind control, though, so a battle ensues.

This really isn’t a difficult fight. Simply avoid Saren’s attacks and repeatedly fire at him (or use biotic or tech abilities) until his health drops below half. At that point, a cutscene will show him jumping back off his hovering vehicle and picking you up by the neck. The alarm on the nuclear device will sound, giving you a chance to punch the rogue Spectre in the face and avoid his wrath. With that, Saren escapes and your team boards the Normandy only to watch as the nuclear explosion back on Virmire kills the squad member you left behind.

5 – Krogan Resistance

A tough Krogan Warlord, two Krogan Warriors, and two Geth Ghosts await you in this second trench. You need to finish them off fast so you can reach the AA gun in time to save your squad and Kirrahe’s men.

6 – Exit to Main Level

This elevator will bring you back up to the west section of the Virmire: Base Main Level map.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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