A Few Meager Details on Project HUMAN

Other than the tiny blurb of information posted to Tomasz Gop’s LinkedIn profile back in January, we know virtually nothing about City Interactive’s upcoming action RPG “Project HUMAN”. But thanks to four new Warsaw-based job openings posted to the careers section of the City Interactive website, we can glean a few more meager details:

We are seeking professionals for the upcoming Action-RPG project being built for XBOX360®, PlayStation® 3 and PC. Join the creative powers of our RPG team created and led by Tomasz Gop (one of the brains behind success of Polish RPGs) and the development veterans at Deck 13 Interactive (over dozen recognizable projects including Ankh, Jack Keane and Venetica).

We are now recruiting full-time professionals for our Warsaw-based part of the team. The ideal candidates should possess skills and sensitivity allowing them to create game assets, which conform to our artistic direction. A thorough knowledge of characters, environments and animations is essential. The candidates should have group work skills and a background in different areas of technical art including animation and cinematic direction, as well as be well-versed in relevant tools, such as 3DS Max or Motion Builder.

From this, I suppose we now have confirmation that: a) the team previously worked on Venetica and a couple of adventure titles, b) the team is being led by Gop, c) it’s a multi-platform release, and d) there’s a focus on cinematic sequences. Hopefully we’ll know more soon.

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