A look at a future Console RPG

The gaming site with the long name, Computerandvideogames.com … heheh I’m not sure if there’s a limit on the name a website can have but making it Computerandvideogamespeopleplaytohavefunduringthetimesinwhichtheyarebored.com seems the next logical step … but digressions aside, they’ve delivered two incredible looking screenshots of Starfox Adventures, an RPGesque game for Nintendo’s Gamecube… which they say might be similar to Zelda (a good thing).

On a video game vs. computer game tangent:
It’s really amazing to me the graphical differences that still exist between video games and computer games. Sure, some of them are ported to one another and the graphics remain the same, but if you take a look at this shot, it’s beautifully “arcadish” in style… colorful stylish buttons, easy to follow interface, the type of graphics that normally come from a video game.

The reasons for this are fairly obvious but it’s still interesting. Video games appeal in general to a younger audience, a more simplistic interface with less buttons (for the most part… remember Black & White without any buttons). But there’s something extremely appealing about this type of graphics… maybe it’s because I was always so awed when I was younger at the marvels of going to an arcade and wishing I had those graphics at home.

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