Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures E3 Previews

Funcom’s Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is the subject of yet another pair of E3 previews. The first is at GamersInfo:

The Black Ring Citadel. The stronghold of Tothamon. This place is icky and really cool all at the same time. There are molds for creating golems; they sorta pour pieces of human flesh into them; huge cranes that pick the molds up. The golem creatures are nasty rotting flesh things that attack you on site. Gargoyles come to life as you approach (and I want to run). At the same time, the richness of the art that always catches my attention comes through in striking detail.

While the other is at MPOGD:

Of the three classes, certainly the most interesting was the Necromancer. A necromancer is a pet class that can have up to 8 pets at a time. Each type of pet has an associated pet point cost and, at any given time, 8 points can be used. Players can use the points to create 8 smaller, weaker pets or 2 tough ones, and so on and so on. We took a look at two different types of pets, a 1 point scorpion and a 2 point Ilderith. When I first saw the Ilderith on the screen, I was taken aback. They are huge, towering over the players. They are a casting pet, which makes their size all that much more interesting a choice.

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