Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Re-Review

Eurogamer returns to Funcom’s Age of Conan for a second look in their re-review of the MMO. They essentially call it a continuing work in progress, ending with a 6/10.

So, that’s positive. Also positive are the numerous tweaks we’ve recently seen to the rest of the game’s content. A great many quests and encounters have been tightened up, streamlined or bug-fixed, whole new quest chains have been added. The actual process of levelling a character now flows much more smoothly from start to finish – rather than sputtering to a premature halt and wallowing in boring grind from the mid-fifties onwards.

There’s a “but”. Actually, there are a few Buts, but the most prominent one is this – but this is a game that’s been out for four months. What we’re describing here is how the game should have been at launch, and even at that, Funcom still hasn’t patched in everything they promised at the outset. MMORPGs do get a grace period that other games don’t get, but not a four-month grace period, and especially not a four-month grace period where the Holy Grail patch, the patch which will fix it all and make it all better, is always frustratingly coming “soon”.

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