Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Site Update

Funcom’s official Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures community website has been updated with a preview of the game’s Bear Shaman class.

The Bear Shaman represents two sides of nature Tranquility and Fury. The tranquil side of the Bear Shaman allows him to utilize powerful magic to heal himself and his friends. Tapping into the power of the wind, the Bear Shaman may heal both himself and his teammates by utilizing the very forces of nature itself. The (Renewal) spell grained at level twenty is one of many healing spells the Bear Shaman will have access to. His ability to resurrect friends who fell in the midst of a bloody battle becomes available to him at around level thirty, but the spell will become more and more potent as the Bear Shaman grows in power allowing him to further diminish the detrimental effects of death.

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