Age of Conan Letter to the Community

Age of Conan game director Craig Morrison has penned a new letter to the community for the month of March, in which he discusses GDC, the team’s goals for the rest of the year, and more.

Lastly I wanted to mention something here that came up when we were preparing for the press last week, and that’s the goals and ambitions we have set for the team this year. During the development of the game the key phrase that was used to establish the goals of the project was ‘˜Combat, Combat, Combat’ and I think that goal was perfectly realized in our combat system, and element of the game that continues to be a key feature and unique element players enjoy with our game. When we set out to define the goals for the development team for the ongoing production we decided to keep with the ‘˜C’ theme, so the goals of the team are to focus on ‘˜Content, Conflict, Character and Community’

Content Our continued desire to keep providing exciting and engaging new content for players

Conflict Build on the game’s strong PVP elements and continue to expand on the brutal world of Hyboria

Character Strive to provide better options for character development, something that is obviously the key focus at the moment with our impending revamp of items and statistics in the next major game update.

Community One of the key goals for the next year will be improving upon the community and guild functionality in the game to give the players more tools to craft their own space and identity in the world of Hyboria. You’ll get to hear more on this once the items and statistics update is live.

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