Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer Preview and Media

IGN has cranked out a two-page preview of Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer, though the article focuses entirely on the Gateway to Khitai zone that’s being added in Funcom’s expansion pack.

Both in the far north and south of the Gateway to Khitai are the tumbled down ruins of an ancient civilization. There are none who remember who once dwelt in those cities and all record of who they once were was lost with the people of this strange civilization. The ruins themselves have a sinister air, but this does not stop treasure hunters from digging in the hope of finding forgotten treasures and ancient trinkets. Treasure hunters should be wary because dark secrets lie hidden beneath the frozen earth.

Near the ruins, in the foothills of the Mountains of Night, dwell the Zang Xin. These semi-intelligent humanoids live in the shadow of the Great Wall and build primitive structures to house their family groups. They are extremely territorial and will defend their domain against any incursion. They fashion primitive weapons from wood and stone, but rumor has it that a far more advanced tribe of Zang Xin make their home in the lands beyond the wall.

An exclusive trailer and some new screenshots are also provided.

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