Age of Conan v1.4 Patch Released

For those of you still playing the game, the v1.4 patch for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures has hit the live servers. Details can be found on IGN’s Age of Conan Vault.


* Charging a target while mounted should no longer cause players to become stuck in the knockback animation
* Players who log out inside certain dungeons or instances will now find themselves outside the same dungeon or instance when they log back in again.
* Fixed an exploit.


* Field of the Dead – The quest “A Crawling Threat” can now be turned in properly.
* The Slaughterhouse Cellar – Enough Seal Fragments should now drop from the Picts in the Slaughterhouse Cellar for players to finish this quest in one run.


* NPCs that are seated when aggroed should no longer go into the knockback animation.
Cradle of Decay
* The Lord of Decay will no longer run off during battle to eat one of his own minions.
* The Lord of Decay should now also reset correctly.
* Surberec should no longer regenerate to full health after his beloved Master Gaoler has died.
Thunder River
* Blood Fang should spawn at the correct location again.
Black Ring Citadel
* Seruah should now both reset and die properly.
* Seruah should now properly use her “Ripped from Within” ability.
* The spawn rate of Seruah’s adds has been reduced.
* Seruah’s adds should no longer spawn after she has been killed.
* The Chatha encounter has been toned down slightly. Chatha should now also reset correctly again.
The Dragon Cave
* Terrors of Tartaros should now correctly attack players.


* It should now be possible to use Guild City Traders after fighting with combat dummies.


* Architect: Heavy Lintel can now be traded.
* Alchemy: Food recipes should again produce the correct amount of items.


* The reset timer in The Slaughterhouse Cellar has been reduced to 4 hours now.

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