Age of Decadence Interview

French IG Magazine has an interview with Age of Decadence lead Vince D Weller in a four-page article on the game in their April-May issue. It’s in French and available only in France, obviously, but a few more details can be found in this thread.

2. Iron Tower Studios is an independent game developer. Is it by choice, for instance to keep total control and creativity over your games, or is Age of Decadence a way for the team to get its work noticed by big publishers?

By choice. We’ve received quite a few publishing inquiries ranging from distribution offers to (let us take you under our wing) scenarios.

Publishers are the problem, not a solution. They are what’s dragging the industry down. Digital distribution combined with growing high speed internet represents a viable alternative to boxed copies and the sooner developers start dealing directly with consumers, the sooner we’ll see creativity and originality flowing back into games.

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