An update posted by David Allen.

Recently, David Allen posted some very solid information regarding the game development and many other issues. He was directly responding to some well asked questions by a fan on the Dev Board concerning the recent fall-off in Dev/Fan interaction. Check out a portion of the reply below:

    4- What is the status on possibly seeing a screenshot? Yes, a screenshot good sir. If it’s not going to happen for a long time, please let us know. It’s been 8 months since we’ve seen the last one.

    As mentioned above, that’s our next ‘big thing’, but I can’t give an ETA as of yet – but it will be very soon – and you should see what we’re putting together

    5- If no screenshots, can we at least keep up with a semi-loose schedule of having a model every week as Ulairi had setup with you guys?

    We’re trying to stick with that – we were going to post the Dryad last week, but it wasn’t quite ready – I believe Doug sent something else to Ulairi to post in the meantime. I think we’ll have the Dryad up this week.

Well imagine that! My prayers to Lithna have been answered. If you want to check out the full post, you can view it here.

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