Anarchy Beta Bits

Since most previews focus on the positive side of games, their strengths rather than weaknesses (for many reasons, not the least of which it’s more exciting to read about a looked forward to game rather than a game you know you’re not going to want), for those that are interested in the sci-fi MMORPG Anarchy Online, there are an assemblage of honest opinions, both positive and the things-to-work-on type from beta testers in the Beta Journal by the Dr. Twister Network. One such goes a bit like this:

“I’m playing an Adventurer witch I like very much mostly because I get all these funny morphs to play with.

So far I’ve been flying around as a reet, not so fun but it gets you where you want to go fast.
Leet now this is hilarious since all the newcomers kill leets at their first levels, imagine attacking the next leet just to find out it’s really a level 50 adventurer.

Team play is also a very fun part of the game, especially when the team is made up of different professions all with their strength and weaknesses. I’m so proud of being member of IVES; because we’re all addicted to this game thus go out of our way to make it fun for each other.
To those of you that’s new to AO beta I’ll just say this, get a stable long-term team together and the game will be way more fun.”

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