Anarchy Online Introduction

An excellent introduction to the MMORPG to be released by the end of next week, Anarchy Online, has been posted at (first of a five part series based upon his impressions with the latest beta). It’s lengthy, gives a good overview for those not involved in the beta or who’ve read countless previews of the game already, and it goes a little something like this:

After choosing your body you click on the big orange down arrow once again and you are faced with one of your most important choices, your profession. Just as your breed had a major effect on your attribute abilities, profession affects your skills. From what I can tell, everyone can at least try every skill; it’s how far you can advance and how easy you pick up each skill that comes into play here. There are 12 different professions for your character. You can choose from Adventurer, Bureaucrat, Doctor, Enforcer, Engineer, Fixer, Martial Artist, Meta Physicist, Nano Technician, Soldier, and Trader.

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