Anarchy Online It’s Alive #2

RPGVault continues their “It’s Alive” series for Anarchy Online, this time with Funcom’s Terri Perkins discussing some of the diverse social interactions that brought the game’s community alive. A snip:

While conducting a class on Internet use with a friend of mine, the topic turned to gaming. My friend, Ken, pulled out a map of Rubi-Ka and was trying to explain Anarchy Online to a group. We thought they understood it pretty well until one man said he couldn’t wait for the day you could actually see other players in a game. We questioned him, looking a bit confused. “I mean like if I sit, I want others to see that I’m sitting. I’m not talking about multiplayer games like they are now… I play Hearts online and I know about that with the chat and all, but I mean to SEE them.”

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