Archaelund Updated Trailer

With 4 Dimension Games’ Gold Box-inspired RPG Archaelund scheduled to launch into early access next year, we get a new gameplay trailer that highlights both the game’s first-person exploration and its isometric turn-based battles. Check it out:

And here’s some extra information:

This will be a short post. We just uploaded a new trailer to the Store Page of Archaelund, and Youtube. In case you missed it, a couple weeks ago we also updated all the screenshots.

This is the first time you can see the whole team’s work put together, so it seems a fitting opportunity to briefly introduce them:

Programming, writing, game design: David Ballestrino (me!)
Environment artist: Alberto Trujillo
2D art and concepts: Nacho Corva
Creatures artist: Bob Metcalfe (Secretanorak)
Music: Laura Ballestrino
Additional 3D art: Francisco José Retamero
Additional coding and game design: Alejandro Ballestrino

The next post will be a proper “Dev Update” and will be centered in the character development and rule system, but should have a bit of everything.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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