Auto Assault Preview has put together a new two-page preview of NCsoft and Auto Assault, after recently getting some more hands-on time with the soon-to-be-released MMORPG. Here’s a little something to start you off:

Players must be in town, near one of three crafting plants with significant training to create items. Players are given lists of commodities required to fix a broken item they’ve found. Once engaged in crafting there is some excitement. Sometimes, no matter how well trained, crafting fails.

The skills in Auto Assault are based on the character class and race. Players progress through a normal (tree) format, which means that they can only have so many skill points in one area and must have one skill before they can progress to the next. Each character class has skills that aid in all forms of gameplay, from combat to crafting to support, and can be tuned efficiently to develop a well-rounded character.

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