Automated Skill Checks

Gamer asks about scripting skill checks:

…will we be able to include automatic Skill Checks in our scripting?

Such as…

Player walks over X
Check Search Skill, If result > 15
message the player, “You think the door ahead is trapped…”


Player says to an NPC, “What about the Dragon?”
NPC responds, “I don’t know anything about a Dragon.”
Check Sense Motive, if result is > NPCs Bluff
message to player, “You think he’s lying.”

    …that you want to, based on Skills or just about any other feature of a PC that you care to use (Class, Level, Race, etc) ;-). Then you can have that check’s result trigger whatever you wish, including pop up text messages that only the PC making the check can see.

    Cord Grimwinder

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