B & W Creatures to Download

As you might know by now by reading the various newsbits and previews of Black & White, your initial choice of creatures when you get that far in the game is limited to the Cow, Ape and Tiger. Thanks to EB and Planet Black & White, you can now download additional creatures to exchange them with once you find a special “breeders hut” in the game. The cool thing is that when you exchange creatures, they’re able to retain all of the traits and characteristics of your former creature, just inside a new skin.

The three (so far) available are the Horse, Leopard and Mandrill. For those that are wondering what exactly a Mandrill is, here’s the definition: A large, fierce baboon (Papio sphinx) of western Africa, having a beard, crest, and mane and brilliant blue, purple, and scarlet facial markings in the adult male. PlanetB&W organized them into one place, so moonwalk on over and download all three so yas be ready come launch. =)

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