Bastion Soundtrack Interview

Game-OST managed to track down Bastion composer Darren Korb for a lengthy Q&A about his musical training, how he was picked by the team at Supergiant, the methods he used to create the game’s tracks, and more. An excerpt:

Well, how were you able to get into game industry and began your work on Bastion?

I sort of lucked into it. My childhood friend, Amir Rao, is one of the co-founders of Supergiant Games. When he started the company, he asked me to do all the audio for him, and I said “yes!”

Some questions about the songs in soundtrack: whose it was idea, who were performing and who was the author of the lyrics?

I knew from the beginning that I wanted to write some songs with vocals for Bastion. My background is as a songwriter and performer, so it just felt like a natural approach. I wrote the lyrics, based on the vast backstory written by Greg Kasavin, and I perform the male vocal parts. Ashley Barrett is a friend of mine who performed the female parts.

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