Bethesda Tribute to Adam Adamowicz

You may recall the sad news last week that Fallout 3, Oblivion, and Skyrim concept artist Adam Adamowicz had lost his battle with cancer, and that’s prompted Bethesda to put together a tribute to the talented man that features a touching eulogy, comments from the team members who knew him, and three separate slideshows to showcase the conceptual work he did on the titles he’s most remembered for.

This past week we were heartbroken to lose our good friend and colleague, Adam Adamowicz. His artwork and creativity defined our games in so many ways. Many of you have seen his work and seen his unbelievable talents. But many of you never got to see who he was as a person. He was full of life. Always drawing, always creating, and always the most entertaining person in the room.

When people we wanted to impress visited our office, they were often given a tour of the development studio. They would be walked quickly through the various programming, design, and art departments, while someone would tell them briefly what was going on in those areas. The last stop was always Adam’s desk to see his work and meet him. For each and every visitor would be in awe of not just Adam’s work, but Adam himself. He was insanely creative. He made instant friends. He made those around him happier. He was the person everyone wanted to work with and hang out with. He made everyone laugh. He was the person you know that everyone loves.

And he never stopped. Right until the end he was drawing, creating images for a new game many years off. It is in that game, and our past games, that he will live on. You have not seen the last of his amazing talent and spirit. We will miss him terribly, but he will always be with us.

We wanted to share and ask you to participate in something Adam would have loved. Years ago, he had placed a tip jar next to his desk with a squeezable nun and the sign “Squeeze Nun For Service.” At one point for fun he would not acknowledge you unless you squeezed the nun. So in Adam’s memory, please “Squeeze the Nun”, and leave a tip in Adam’s name with the American Cancer Society.

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