Big Huge Games Interview

GameDaily BIZ has conducted an interview with Big Huge Games’ Ken Rolston, Tim Train, and THQ’s Tim Campbell about their upcoming Xbox 360/PS3/PC RPG. There isn’t really any new information revealed, so the answers are mainly just saturated with buzzwords and bold claims.

Q: Storylines are obviously very important to the RPG genre. Ken, how much input do you have in crafting the story for this game, and where does your inspiration come from?

A: I had a lot of early input in developing the narrative elements of the project, but Mark Nelson, my colleague at Bethsoft, and lead designer of Oblivion’s Shivering Isles expansion, has joined the Big Huge team, and I’ll be looking to him to do all the Real Work while I Mentor him and deliver Sage Pronouncements. And Doug Kaufman, my honored colleague from paper-and-pencil RPG days, has done a wonderful job on the characters and the basic themes and background elements of the setting.

My role model is Tolkien. Create a rich setting with profound themes, then create a varied cast of characters and an epic saga to guide the pilgrim through that setting. It’s a simple scheme… but very hard to execute For the Ages.

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