Big Huge Games’ RPG Project Panel at GDC

Big Huge Games’ Ken Rolston and Mark Nelson were at GDC to talk about scope, direction and ambition in game development, and keeping it under control.

Nelson went on to describe the original plans for the RPG title. “We were trying to make an RPG, it was going to have some strategy in it because Big Huge Games was founded on RTS, and had some of this Dynasty Warriors big battle simulation going on. This was never going to work, you can’t make three games at the same time. It was trying to be too much and it was never going to be true to its own identity. We had to make these mid-stream revisions in order to get the game moving forward.”

The two had to refocus on making strictly an RPG, their area of expertise. They had to engage in what Rolston called ‘blunder management.’ They had to push past the inclination to continue along an incorrect path out of fear of losing the production time a restructuring would require.

Spotted on RPGWatch.

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