Biomutant Preview

Now that Experiment 101’s open-world RPG Biomutant is just a couple of months away from its May 25, 2021 release date, we can check out this preview from GamingBolt’s John Cantees that makes a good case for why this curious post-apocalyptic Kung Fu-flavored project has the potential to become a surprise hit.

Here’s a couple of sample paragraphs to get you started:

This type of dynamic opens up a lot of narrative doors for obvious reasons, but it also opens up a lot of gameplay doors. certain missions may or may not be impacted by how you’ve interacted with certain tribes. This is all impacted greatly by the layers added from the karma system that the developers have confirmed exists as well as the branching story paths that your decisions will lead you to. Interlocking story paths and alternate outcomes are no small feat to add into a game like this, which is why so few games really take advantage of these ideas to great extents.

The truth is, this makes Biomutant an incredibly ambitious project, and I’d wager is likely a large reason why it’s taking so much longer to make than how many of us had hoped it would. It’s compounded even more by the fact that you can establish companionships with various NPC characters that will follow you around and fight alongside you if you choose. Reportedly this aspect could also alter the story in various ways and could lead to different paths in the narrative that otherwise might not have been accessible.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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