BioWare at GamesCom, Day One

BioWare has whipped up a blog entry chronicling the first day of GamesCom, complete with a few pictures and word that there’s a 20% discount going on over at their online store.

The action at the booths has been amazing with some of the largest queues of the show. Unfortunately that means three hour waits to play, so kudos to our fans and their amazing stamina. At least while they are waiting we are handing out tons of swag, getting pictures taken with Hawkes staff and placing blood tattoos on any piece of exposed flesh. All in all a great time.

The team has been crazy busy showing the game to hundreds of press and from what I have been reading so far the game has been showing very well and has already been nominated for two (Best of Show) awards.

I should also mention that is having a 20% gamescom sale. Just enter the promo code (gamescom10) for your discount and don’t forget we ship internationally.

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