BioWare Blog: The Biofeed on Twitter

Jay Watamaniuk penned a short entry to BioWare’s official blog alerting us to the fact that the RPG developer has embraced social networking even further by creating the “Biofeed” on Twitter.

We are using the title Biofeed to send our thoughts across the airways. Check out the high drama and spleen-shattering excitement of game development second by second!

I was asked if I could help get BioWare into the Twitter ring as it has proven to a force of nature in the slippery cabal of online communication. I have rounded up a good group of BioWare developers who are interested in this method of info-exchange and some have even been Twittering for a good long time now.

I admit to being new at Twitter myself and starting out in this fashion will bring with it a share of major shame and falling down banging my head of what would be common sense etiquette but I’ll give it go. I’ve got some great support from the big brains here at BioWare like Christina Norman who is working on Mass Effect 2 as a Senior Technical Designer who focuses on combat (sweeeet!). She is a veteran of several social media channels and so it is to her I will turn to help me sort through the crazy.

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