BioWare Lunch @ NWN Stratics

Neverwinter Stratics has put together an article entitled BioWare Lunch, which is basically an overview of the conversations between one of their staff members and Marc Holmes & Rob Bartel of the Neverwinter Nights development team while visiting the BioWare office in Canada. The article contains some interesting information, as well as a small update on NWN’s projected release date:

    Quality is the number one concern, and naturally a game this big and this complex cannot be predicted down to the day of the week. We’ll just have to live with what they’ve given us so far. I’ll soften that blow with this bit of information. Marc spends every night until 11:00pm working and trying to be finished for us. He takes one night of the week to REALLY work late. Now that’s what I call dedication. These guys are going to be bringing us a work of blood, sweat and tears and I hope we can show them our appreciation by allowing them to finish without us pressuring them for a release date. When it ships, it ships.

Does that mean it’s on track for a spring release? Only time will tell.

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