Black & White Evil Week Concludes

PC.ign’s two-week long look at the game that’s coming out next week (!!), Black & White, concludes with Evil Week, Day 5. At that page you’ll find links to all the previous coverage on the game, the first week being devoted to the good side and this last, the evil. In all, you’ll also find two interviews with idea man, Peetah Molyneux. A dark kernel:

Let’s just talk about those singy little sailors once more. As you may remember, these guys are there to test your patience as a good god. I decided not to have my patience tested and threw one of them in the water. They thought I was rather mean about that… so I replaced the guy with a woman, which they were even more unhappy about, so I killed another of them and replaced him with a boy. The last one was happy about that, but the boy wasn’t… anyway, you get the picture. Plenty of things to do here.

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