Black & White Nibbles

Approaching the release of Peter Molyneux’s shining achievement while the actual day rises and recedes like the tide (estimated to be late March now), the game we’ll know as Black & White, Lao Tzu’s main B&W page has a fresh catch of info-tids for us to snack on. Learn about how the game takes advantage of force feedback technology and a few facts from a recent chat with the team, translated into these choice English words:

  • There is no limit to what a creature can learn.
  • Relatively speaking, a creature can grow to 100 metres tall, and a fully grown creature is roughly 8 times more powerful than the weakest creature.
  • Creatures have natural abilities, e.g. ape is more intelligent, tiger is more aggressive, but it’s balanced…

Find out the rest by taking the e-gondola to Lao Tzu.

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