Blizzard Entertainment Interview

Gamasutra has quite a bit of coverage on Blizzard Entertainment in the form of a 5-page interview with vice president Frank Pearce and producer Chris Sigaty. The meat ‘n bones of the interview can also be found here.

Turning to Blizzard itself, have you had to hire up a lot as 8.5 million people trickled in?

FP: Our global headcount is like, 2700. Most of that is customer service for World of Warcraft. I mean in terms of development staff. it’s probably around 350. For all of Blizzard. World of Warcraft development team is about 135 people.40 for you [indicates Chris’ Starcraft 2 team], 50 for..Team 3.

Team 3? What’s Team 3 working on?

FP: Team 3 is working on something really awesome.


FP: I will totally tell you, it’s really awesome.

Can you give me any hints about it?

FP: Nope, can’t give you any hints.

Well, as long as it’s awesome.

CS: Really, really awesome.

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