Blizzard Entertainment’s Cancelled Games is reporting that Blizzard executives revealed a “never-before-seen” list of games that the company has cancelled over the years at today’s DICE Summit.

Of course, there’s Warcraft Adventures, the planned point-and-click adventure game based on the strategy series.

Other games the company killed over the years include:

Games People Play
Shattered Nations
Pax Imperia

Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime unveiled this list to illustrate why the company seemingly only develops hit games — if something isn’t shaping up, they’re not afraid to cancel it.

We didn’t get more than this list of titles. An image of Raiko was shown, a pencil sketch of something looking like Gollum wearing a turtle shell that was full of arrows. And Nomad was illustrated with a screen of two giant zeppelin airships in a cloudy sky.

No mention of Starcraft: Ghost, though. Perhaps they’d just like us all to forget that?

Interesting. Denizen sounds RPGish.

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