Blizzard not Rushing to Console MMO

The guys at had the chance to ask Blizzard’s Mike Morhaine about the value of being the first to launch an MMO on console. Essentially, Morhaine thinks it’s overrated.

When asked by at a press coference at BlizzCon, if the company risked letting the console MMO market be led by another company, the CEO undermined the value of being first to a market and stressed that success “comes down to games”.

“I think that, it comes down to games, so I’m not too worried about being first to make a claim or first to take a market share,” he said. “Actually Blizzard has rarely been the first to create a genre, unless you consider Diablo a new genre, nobody said that at the time, they all said it wasn’t new.”

“For us we’re looking for what is the next thing, what is the next step, what is the next evolution and I think that it’s not really dependant on platform.”

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