Blizzard Seeking Permanent Injuction Against Glider

It’s been only a few weeks since Blizzard won the Glider lawsuit, and the company has now filed for a permanent injunction against the program, as well as an unusual request for a court order forbidding making the Glider source code public.

Fresh off its summary judgment victory against the creator of MMO Glider (a (bot) program that lets people play World of Warcraft unattended), WoW creator Blizzard has now asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona for a permanent injunction (.pdf) which would functionally shut down Glider’s WoW presence. In addition, Blizzard has asked the court for a relatively unconventional order prohibiting MDY from making the source code for its MMO Glider software available to the public, and prohibiting MDY from helping people develop other World of Warcraft automation software.

Just like the Glider lawsuit has some possible disturbing implications for the enforceability of UELAs, this one doesn’t look right to me either. What kind of legal rights does Blizzard have to involve itself with private consumer’s codes?

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