Bloodlines Walkthrough Update

Before I begin with the updates, I wanted to say thanks to all of you who continue to send in missing information. This walkthrough would not be nearly as complete without your help. Additionally, many thanks to those of you who took the time to put together a savegame so that I could access all the endings. It’s much appreciated!

Tonight I leave you with all known quests completed and two of the five endings detailed. The last three endings will be up this weekend as well, after which I’ll begin putting together a section for the unlogged quests. What are unlogged quests, you ask? These are the quests that you receive that never end up in your journal – the random encounter with Samantha in Hollywood, Gary’s posters for your Haven, and the guy named Copper looking for the vampire lord at the Santa Monica pier. Interesting stuff, and it should not go uncovered.

Walkthrough Updates: Anarchs Ending, Kuei-jin Ending, Gone Fishin’, LaCroix Must Die!, Missing Data, and Sibling Rivalry

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