Bob McCabe Interview

The guys at had the opportunity to ask several questions of BioWare’s Bob McCabe, in which they talk about Baldur’s Gate II, MDK II, and Neverwinter Nights. An excerpt:

    Q: How did you come to work at BioWare and what are your responsibilities?

    A: Baldur’s Gate came out for the PC during my final year at Tennessee. Since classes were taking up very little of my time, I had a bit of free time to both play the game, and become active on the Baldur’s Gate message boards. Through the boards, I met up with Rob Bartel. Rob mentioned an opening for a writer, and suggested I try out for the part. A graduation and a bad resume (or two) later (not counting the ones I sent via e-mail that were infected with a virus), and I was hired on.

    As for responsibilities, I am now working in the Quality Assurance department, after starting off as a technical writer, and then shifting into the Writing & Design department. Much of my skill set is in writing, and working in QA is giving me a chance to learn a lot about design (design is the art of making fun, balanced, functional games to go along with that snazzy new story and dialogue). I am enjoying every new experience I can get to learn anything that I can.

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