Borderlands E3 Preview

Another E3-based preview of Gearbox’s Borderlands has trickled onto the web, and this time it’s at GameOn.

In true RPG style, experience is awarded upon quest completion and on killing enemies, allowing you to further develop your characters by selecting special skills from a special development tree. This means you can tailor the experience even more to your specific play style which is all the more useful when playing in a group.

The preview only scratched the surface of what is clearly an enormous game and there is far more that I could mention. Vehicles are available to traverse the 4 huge open game world environments which each have separate areas for further exploration in RPG dungeon-crawling tradition. Friendly-fire is very much a danger, but if you find yourself face to face with an annoying player you can challenge them and enter into a duel to settle the matter once and for all.

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