Breach “Shadow Master Veil Demon” Class Trailer

The developers over at QC Games have revealed the Shadow Master Veil Demon class coming soon to their co-operative action-RPG brawler Breach. This new “enemy” class will allow you to create doppelgangers, empower them with shades, and summon relentless monsters on top of that. Check it out:

And here are the latest Early Access patch notes:

Updates and Changes:

  • Kikimora Fiend Eggs will now properly display a warning ring around the egg
  • Watcher’s Slow talent has been reduced to 30% from 50%
  • Miscellaneous backend updates and optimizations (more next week as well)

Known Issues:

  • The rewards for Veil Demon players winning a Co-op vs Player match early has improved with the win bonus applying regardless of duration, but we are still working on improving it beyond that.
  • Siphoning Skull’s stun effect will sometimes end early.
  • Players may get caught in a longer load screen than expected when starting a match, and can hear a match starting in the background. This cannot be fixed by reconnecting, but the player will eventually connect within a few minutes
  • Some abilities are not tracking their score correctly on the in mission stat board, resulting in displaying lower than actual stat numbers
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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