Broadband vs 56k

Here’s a question I was wondering about since BW posted their estimates on bandwith. They have said they are shooting for a Broadband (cable/dsl) connection should support 64 players max. While a 56k connection could handle 6-8. Correct me if I have misquoted.

I was wondering about the fact that while broadband is (supposedly) 50 times faster than a 56k connection on the download, it is about 128k on the upload. Correct? That is only 2.5 times the 56k speed.

So if a 56k connection does 6-8, a broadband should only be able to handle 15-20 correct? (Because even though it can download info real fast, a server’s upload rate will be limited to 128k). Hopefully those of you who know these issues well will point out the holes in my logic. 🙂

    …there will always be a “base” packet load for the server info no matter how many players you have, so after a certain point more players become slightly “cheaper” to support. Not a huge difference but it adds up over the range of 4 to 64.

    Cord Grimwinder-8d Moderator

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