Camelot Anonymous: Paladin

The staff over at CamelotHQ posted a new addition to their Camelot Anonymous section. This story is about an Albion Paladin named Phantasee. This gives you a good idea why the Paladin is so strong (Referring to the weight they carry through armor) ;). Here’s a snippet:

Thank you for inviting me to CA, Camelot Anonymous. At this time I would like to admit that I have a problem, I like to crush and kill things! Well, that was not so hard, crushing and killing is fun! I do so enjoy the use of my war hammer, swords, and other weapons that I believe that many others are weary to hunt with me because of my powerful blows. I love to be up front and be ready for anything that comes my way! My heart pounds and I tremble as I take my war hammer from over my shoulder and await for the slaughter to begin!

There’s a little more that you can read. But, since CamelotHQ believes in charging people, you will have to pay to read the rest.

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