Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

In her latest Grab Bag Q&A for Dark Age of Camelot, EA Mythic’s Sanya Thomas answers questions about tradeskill tool qualities, the effect of an instrument on mez, and more.

Q: (Insert question here about whether or not mythrian items are, well, working.)

This is from the same nice man I mentioned in the above question, who has not done anything sufficiently silly enough to have garnered a nickname, so I shall just call him Mr. Jones: “There seems to be a number of questions on exactly how the mythrians are affecting players, and how they are intended to affect players. We are currently looking over all reported issues. If you can send any information you have on exactly which item you are using, the stats being affected, and any other relevant information via a ingame bug report, we can consolidate your information with others and narrow down where the disconnect is in regards to these popular items.”

Put another way, gang, it’s either a bug or a documentation problem, or a combination of both, and we will get it handled with help from the bug appeals. Thanks for your patience.

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